Jun 14Liked by Susan G.S. Abel


When my kids were teenagers (1994 or 1995), we took a summer vacation where we had no itinerary. I went to AAA and got maps and tour books. We had our van and pop up camper. We started in Strongville Ohio, as my son had a soccer tournament there. We were on our way to see my brother, Guy in Denver. It was great, we each had a turn visiting something that that person wanted to see. My choice was a Great Lake. My daughter chose a cavern. We were in St Louis for the 4th of July ( my son’s choice). That was a bit overwhelming that day, too many people for us, But since we were in no rush, we stayed a few more days. I think it was one of our best family vacations.


p.s. I love reading your posts!

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Thank you, Holly!

Your no itinerary vacation sounds like fun! I would love to do that, but my husband might need some convincing. We do like going to one place and just staying yo explore ther area. Maybe when he retires.....

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May 11·edited May 11Liked by Susan G.S. Abel

Wonderful memory! I hope my mom knew i was thankful without me saying it. I sure hope she can feel my gratefulness in heaven..

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If we feel it as mothers, I think they do, too.

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Apr 29Liked by Susan G.S. Abel

One grandmother’s house was in the country. When I was young there was no paint on the clapboard. Before she died she or daddy had it painted white. At some point she moved to a nursing home and the house was moved. All of the furniture , etc had been stolen.

After Dennis we went to the farm to look. It was all grown up, but there were snowbells blooming in the yard. We bought a shovel and Dennis dug up clumps. I divided them with Gayle, Lisa and me. I wish I could show you a picture of Lisa’s! They are huge clumps that bloom every year! Wonderful memory to see them!

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Ame, what a lovely memory and reminder! My grandmother's favorite flower was irises. It's mine too. I wish I had some from her yard.

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Apr 19Liked by Susan G.S. Abel

I loved walking and did nearly everyday until I started having to use a walker. Not a very good excuse. Now I have a route in my house that I try to walk 30 minutes a day with the walker!

I have always been a loner. I find peace at my house in the sunroom watchjng the little activity on the lake. Ducks, geese, fishermen.

We have wonderful neighbors. Not visiting neighbors, but thoughtful neighbors that want to be sure we are okay. Such a blessing.,

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Ame, that is great that you continue to walk even if it's in your house. I need to do that on the rainy and smowy days we have. I'm slowly getting to know the neighbors. It's tough having moved around so much. But I'm working on it!

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Apr 15Liked by Susan G.S. Abel

You are an amazing human and I totally needed this today!

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I am so happy, thank you! I hope you are taking care of yourself.

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Apr 12Liked by Susan G.S. Abel

So sad!!

We have an owl in one of our front trees. We have not seen it, but neighbors across the street see it . My trees are my trees!! Dennis laughingly says you best bring a lawyer if you plan on cutting her trees!! Sometimes the back trees have to have a lower limb hair cut to get them off the roof and see the lake!😂

I think my owl is safe!!!❤️

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Ame. I'm like you about my trees. I'm glad Russell ordered an owl house just for us. We have 2 blue bird houses. only one is occupied now.

It's safe to say we love our trees and our birds!

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I really enjoyed reading this. I am so opposite- I don’t hold onto much at all. I loved reading how hard it can be to part with things that have a story. I’m sure I will still be quick to clean out, but I like understanding the perspective of someone who isn’t quite so quick to do so.

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I know you have mixed emotions about letting the chairs go, but at least they went to someone who loves them!

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Yes, Ame! We were always there for each other. And we had fun. Instead of small cliques, it always felt like one big family.

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I loved Howard ii , too!! It was a family!!

North Bay did not have the same feeling.

Not three stories of love , caring and sharing!! I can remember sending the brown envelope around for donations for parties, presents, deaths, births or whatever occasion needed a family response!! Such wonderful memories! I miss them!

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Feb 2Liked by Susan G.S. Abel

Storytelling the ultimate skill in any writer's toolbox ;). I've been trying to get better at this! Last week I was just... (just kidding). I wish I could write stories off the top of my head like that. But I'm a writer, so I don't press publish till it's perfect 🤣

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I hear you, but I'm determined to put my newsletter out each Thursday (and now I have a second newsletter!) On some I end up saying what the heck. Hit publish. Darn. If they don't get the most comments.

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Jan 18Liked by Susan G.S. Abel

Hi Susan! Coincidentally that "friend" you mentioned in the current "Pen to Paper" has a birthday TODAY! Happy Birthday, Diane! Enjoy your snow......Here in Idaho we have several inches and I've shoveled the sidewalk and driveway a lot this week. But it's beautiful and I love it!

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I just saw her birthday pop up on FB! I'm not very good a checking it. No shoveling was needed here! And you know I'm happy with that. It's beautiful, but I don't love it.

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